Atout Forme Distribution & Odoo Supporting you Wherever you Race

Company name: Atout Forme Distribution

Location: Switzerland

Industry: Supplements and Athletic Equipments supplier

Partner name: Dootix

Odoo account manager: Hatim Hammoumi

Main Apps implemented: Helpdesk, Invoicing, Sales, Point of Sale, Accounting, Inventory, Purchase, Contacts

Company Size: 5 employees

Number of Odoo Users: 6

Hosting Type:

About Atout Forme Distribution

Founded in 2011 by Roger Donnet, Atout Forme Distribution has been active since its debut in the nutrition and the sport sectors. In Switzerland, the company distributes the following brands: Compressport, Mulebar, Overstim-s, Life Plus Sportdevice, Zamst and Shapeheart.

In addition to the intrinsic qualities of the products the company distributes, Atout Forme Distribution also makes sure to give meaning to the term ‘service company’ by offering customers impeccable support. Wherever their customers are, they always strive to support them. Through communication, marketing, representation, sponsoring and various commercial actions, they make sure they and their partners’ brands are known so that together they gain market shares.

Learn more about Atout Forme Distribution at

Creating Streamlined Workflows

A big part of Atout Forme Distribution’s ethos is excellent customer service. So when analyzing internal activities and workflows, they found a lot of time was being spent on administrative activities and not so much time on building and nurturing their relationships with their customers. Prior to using Odoo, the company used an old accounting software that didn’t provide them with stock reports. This meant a lot of the stock was being managed manually. This was often time consuming and brought inaccuracies in the reports.

In addition to automating their Inventory, Atout Forme Distribution also wanted to enhance the link between their e-commerce websites, accounting and inventory. These were three critical areas of the business however none of these areas were integrated with one another. Trying to coordinate the three areas was becoming particularly difficult as the company continued to grow. After a lot of searching and comparisons, Atout Forme Distribution came across Odoo via a YouTube suggestion. After seeing the vast range of material and presentations on Odoo, the sport and nutrition supplier watched many videos and got to grips with the platform. They enjoyed the clear presentations and the ease of the software. After spending many hours watching Odoo videos, the company was sold and decided to use Odoo to help them manage their business.

As Atout Forme Distribution has only 5 employees, they knew they would need additional help when it came to deploying their Odoo solution. The company decided to work with Odoo partner Dootix and began by implementing the following modules: Invoicing, Sales, Point of Sale, Accounting, Inventory, Purchase, Contacts and Helpdesk.

Odoo Accounting is used to manage the accounting and financial activities of the organisation. Thanks to Odoo’s seamless integration between Odoo Point of Sale (POS), Atout Forme Distribution no longer has to manually keep track of every financial transaction that occurs. This used to be particularly strenuous when they sold products during sporting events. The Purchase application is used to manage invoicing and follow-ups with brand partners and the sales application manages similar activities but for customers.

Contacts application has been a game changer for the sport and nutrition supplier’s customer service. All customer information and history is now managed in one place making it super easy for employees to provide a tailored customer service approach based on customer data which can be accessed in seconds.

“My function as a sales representative is easier and more efficient since the implementation of Odoo.”
-Damien Raboud, Sales Representative

Thanks to Odoo, Atout Forme Distribution now has a well managed and automated inventory. Little to no mistakes occur due to minimal human intervention with the stocks management. The company overall has gained time in their after sales service due to the quick and smooth follow ups that now occur thanks to the Contacts app. This has had a positive impact on the satisfaction of their customers which has in turn brought more business. With Odoo, Atout Forme Distribution was able to link their three critical areas of business (eCommerce, Accounting and Inventory), save time and refocus on their primary business goal; striving to support customers wherever they are.